Graduation 2023

Graduation Show 2023 – Funen Art Academy

Opening May 11, 4-7 pm.
Exhibition period: May 11 – June 22, 2023
Funen Art Academy, Sculpture Hall
Opening Hours: Monday – Thursday 10 am – 3 pm. (holidays not included)

Reasonable Doubt is a celebration and presentation of ten artists who are now stepping into the art world with all that that entails, but it is also a manifestation of contemporary art and its unique approach to and interaction with the phenomena that surround us.

The title is partly an underlining of the unlearning, undisciplining and unfettering we must do as both creators and receivers of the messages of contemporary art, and partly an affirmation that doubt is warranted – that doubt is a rationale, a qualitative tool for understanding ourselves and our surroundings with more nuance and greater depth. Reasonable Doubt is thus an invitation to embrace art and reassess our assumptions, conceptions and so-called truths.

Graduates: Sofie Brag, Line Elkjær Frandsen, Simon Ganshorn, Jonas Hollerup Helle, Josefine Boel Johannessen, Sabrina Lucia Morales, Jeppe Østergaard Munk, Gro Pechüle, Pernille Pedersen, Elina Bergmark Wiberg 

The final works of these ten graduates are all the outcomes of long processes of copious and careful deliberation, through which a question is unfolded, materials and media challenged, and answers left outside the door – in the translation from digital to physical, in the exaltation of the trivial, in the quiet negotiation of conversation, in the harmony or dissonance between two people, in the memory of a line, in the encounter with a new intelligence, in consumption, in collapse, in decay, in our innermost darkness.

The launch of the exhibition catalogue will take place on Thursday, June 8 at 2-4 pm.

Subsequently, Reasonale Doubt will be shown at SAK Kunstbygning in Svendborg in the period June 30 – August 20. Opening on June 30 at 2-4 pm.

Reasonable Doubt is curated in collaboration with curator and critic Matthias Hvass Borello. The exhibition is kindly supported by Toyota-Fonden, Augustinus Fonden, 15. Juni Fonden, N.M. Knudsens Fond and Møllerens Fond.