
As part of the study programme, Funen Art Academy offers a number of workshops and courses throughout the year. These are run by the school’s associate professors and external teachers who may be artists, art theorists or have a specific expertise within the field of arts. Workshops and courses are normally based around themes relating to artistic theory and practice. A workshop or course may focus on work production in relation to a specific topic and/or focus on various artistic and technical methods.

Workshops and courses may have a limited participant capacity. In the case of overbooked workshops or courses, students are not guaranteed a spot. Workshops and courses may be obligatory or optional. It is only possible to take classes, courses and workshops amounting to a maximum of 30 credits per semester.

Workshops and courses are based on both teaching and active participation. A workshop or course usually lasts 3-5 days, either consecutive or spread across a longer period.

Rehearsing identities by Filip Vest
M – A – T – E – R – I – A – L – E – R by Birke Gorm
Process before process by Jason Dodge
Mørkekammerkursus – analog fotografi by Mathias Rude at Art Museum Brandts
Grafisk Kursus i Ætsning by Trine Anderschou at Funen Graphic Workshop
Undervisning på Sct. Knuds Gymnasium by Mikkel Carl
Art Theory by Lise Margrethe Jørgensen
Art in Context by Peter van der Meijden
Overwriting Reality – Scriptbased Performance Course by Monia Sander Haj-Mohamed
Digitale kunstpraksisser – med fokus på ideologien, diskursen og kritikken omkring kryptokultur by Ditte Ejlerskov
Kunst i offentlige rum: Polymeren by Morten Kamper Jacobsen
Om Tegning by Stense Andrea Lind-Valdan
Kunst i praksis – kunst, liv og penge by Pauline Koffi Vandet among others

Svejsekursus at AMU Svejseværksted
AIRBRUSH – en introduktion by Kristoffer Akselbo
Kunst i offentlige rum: Cykelsti på Bladstrupvej by Mikkel Carl
Scale 1:5 by Sofie Thorsen

Feministiske filosofier og kunstteorier by Kristine Kern
Institutional Archives and Artist’s Forms by Yvette Brackman
Jag hittar en stol by Anne-Mette Schultz
Dage om Maleri byKinga Bartis, Jesper Christiansen and Jeppe Priess Gersbøll
Eksperimenterende linoleumstryk by Hardy Ernst at Funen Graphic Workshop
Støbekursus by Siska Katrine Jørgensen
Mørkekammer og analogt fotografi byMathias Rude at Art Museum Brandts
En dag om enkle metoder til bogbinding by Åse Eg Jørgensen
Scale 1:5 by Sofie Thorsen
Trækursus by Rasmus Rosenberg Jensen
Praktik: Undervisning i billedkunst UngOdense (Ungdomsskolen i Odense) by Gitte Skovmand.
Introduktion til kunstteori by Dominique Routhier
Hvem er odalisken? Hvem er jeg? Og hvem er du egentlig? by Lina Hashim
Unconventional exhibition formats and curating beyond the white cube by Anna Frost
Kursus, Overskrift, Metode og Arbejde by Lone Haugaard Madsen
Fotogravure by Teresa Larsen
Eksperimenterende linoleumstryk og collografi-teknikker by Hardy Ernst and Line Eskestad at Funen Graphic Workshop
Støbekursus by Siska Katrine Jørgensen
Kunst i praksis – kunst og penge by Jonathan Kvium, Klaus Pedersen, Mikkel Carl and Kristine Kern

Workshop Vinyl Terror & Horror by Greta Christensen and Camilla Sørensen
Documenting Your Artwork / Building a Portfolio by Morten K. Jacobsen
The Intangible Qualities of Moving Images by Deniz Eroglu
Konceptkunst by Jørgen Michaelsen
Svejsning by Anders Qvist på Hollufgaard
Serigrafi by Begitte Lynge Andersen at The Hollufgaard Estate
Træworkshop by Niels-Erik H. v. Øhlenschlæger at The Hollufgaard Estate
Art in Context, Peter van der Meijden
Tekstil by Gudrun Hasle at The Culture Machine
Kunstnerisk arbejde (introduktion til kunstteori) by Dominique Routhier
Immanent Computer-Assisted Art Production by Ivan Pérard
5 Dage om Maleri by Kinga Bartis, Claus Carstensen, Ahmad Siyar Qasimi, Marianne Grønnov and Torben Ribe
DFK x Heartland – a site specific project for Heartland Festival 2022 by Ditte Knus Tønnesen
Stenhugning, Freja Niemann Lundrup at The Hollufgaard Estate
Træsnit by Jens Bohr at Funen Graphic Workshop
Croquis by Dan Jensen
Projektledelse og fundraising: skriftlighed og administrativ (selv)ledelse i det professionelle kunstnerliv by Trine Rytter Andersen

IMPACT! – low on the environment, high on artistic intentions, Jette Hye Jin Mortensen
Sculpture and its resources, Laura Canha Malpique
Art Criticism, Trine Rytter Andersen
Weaving, Amalie Smith, Nanna D. Buhl, Sofie H. Møller
Welding, Anders Qvist
Copperprint, Aziz Pour
DFK x Heartland by Ditte Knus Tønnesen
(re)generative praksisser, lokale forandringer og fremtidens fællesskaber by Ida Bencke
The Human Interface af Jens Settergren
Artist talks – Painting, performance, photography, installation, video, light, text by Lone Haugaard Madsen, Ida Sønder Thorhauge, Lina Hashim, Nat Bloch Gregersen, Jesper Just, Jeanette Ehlers
Printmaking by Wieslaw Dabrowski
Welding by Christian Bang Jensen

Art Theatre by Maria Hesselager and Mathias Dyhr
The Art of Nordic Colonialism by Mathias Danbolt, Anna Vestergaard Jørgensen, Emil Elg, Bart Pushaw, Nina Cramer
On Tech-Art by Ida Kvetny og Diana Velasco
Opslag / Notice af Marie Lund
The Invisible by Rune Søchting
On the Picture by Fie Norsker
Basic Tool Workshop, Søren Assenholt
Exhibition practice – Temporary Art in Public Space by Iben Elmström
Video Art by Amalie Smith
Silk Screen Printing by Begitte Lynge Andersen
Art Critique by Jeppe Ugelvig
Materials and Techniques within Painting by Johannes Sivertsen

Art Criticism, Jeppe Ugelvig
Artistic Practice, Lone Haugaard Madsen, Jane Jin Kaisen, Mathias og Mathias, Karoline Larsen
Practice on Painting, Ahmad Siyar Qasimi
Spirit dancing as a reaction to failed revolutions – on art, politics and occultism from the modern age to the future and contemporary, Kasper Opstrup
Practice on 3D and Digital Based Works, Jesper Carlsen
About Paintings, Svend Danielsen, Magnus Andersen and Anna Fro Vodder
Conversation by Stine Marie Jacobsen
Ceramics Tommerup Teglværksted by Per Ahlman
Artist Writing by Jeppe Ugelvig

Photography by Nicolai Howalt
Material Sculpture by Per Kapper
Dramaturgi, Fortællingen fra idé til udførelse by Jokum Rohde
Eksorsisme – Radikal Heksekunst, Part Deux by Mathias Kryger
Appearance/Apparel by Rasmus Røhling
Programmable Matters by Anders Visti
Flesh and Fruity by Kah Bee Chow
Training our minds to go alien by Anastasia Sosunova
Writing Workshop by Ida Marie Hede Bertelsen
The Artist Talk as Performat by Kasia Fudakowski
Workshop by Heine Kjærgaard Klausen
Workshop by Evren Tekinoktay

“Katalysatoren” – et lærestykke by Yvette Brackman
Eksorsisme – Radikal Heksekunst by Mathias Kryger
Uden for by Marie Lund
3D Sculpture by Frank Fenris Jensen
Croquis / Life Drawing by Dan Jensen
Texts and/as Tools in the Process of Perception by Jóhannes Dagsson
Ushering in Banality by Rasmus Røhling
The Gaze and the Image of Oneself by Kristine Kemp
Bodies Without Organs by Mathias Kryger

Plaster course by Erling Tingkær
Lithography course
by Wieslaw Dabrowski
3D Printing
by Michael Angelo
Woodcut by
Oscar Erik Yran and Dina Lundvall Nielsen
Xerox Lithography by Anne Marie Frank
School Paper/Magazine/News report/Journal/Tabloid
 by Magnus Thierfelder and Carl Lindh
Three excursion days and one talk by Kristine Kemp and Conny Svabo
The civic imaginary workshop by Jeuno JE Kim, Brandon Labelle, Nils Norman and Raul Keller
Complicating the curatorial with Jenny Richards
Writing Workshop with Ida Marie Hede Bertelsen
Curiosity must be tamed: The fate of interest with Guston-Sondin Kung
Group Work by Ed Webb Ingall & Rehane Zaman
Workshop by Heine Kjærgaard Klausen

Death with Marie Kølbæk Iversen
Discoverers in painting with Viktor Rosdahl
Program, or be programmed with Kristoffer Ørum
Spirit, Sleep and Revolution – a workshop on automatism with Kristine Kemp
Concrete cocktails and their ilks (- 4 writing sessions) with Ana-Maria Hadji-Culea
Working Conditions with Emma Hedditch
Where are your questions? with Sidsel Meineche Hansen & Tom Vandeputte
Project: Body Building with Jeuno JE Kim & Torsten Bøgh Thomsen

Camera People with Madeleine Bernstorff
Our collective memory – right here, right now with Åsa Elzén
Department for Business Innovation & Skills with Ellie Harrison
The voice as technology with Kristine Kemp
Getting Serious About Humour with Kristoffer Ørum
Political Dramaturgy: What and how do we see when we see? with Jeuno JE Kim
The Making of Marks with Niamh O’Malley
Episode of Everything with Rose English
Shame with Mary Coble
Monument, Democracy & Site with Kristoffer Ørum
The Necessary Distance: Personal and Public Narratives with Jeuno JE Kim
Body in Space / Space of the Body with Al Masson

Reality Fictions with Ilya Lipkin
You (and your practice) with Sidsel Meineche Hansen
Site Specific Installation as Radical Transformation with Mary Coble
Artists Roles with Kristoffer Ørum
Drawing in the Expanded Field with Daniel Milan
First Person Immersion – What Can We Learn From Roleplaying As a Medium? with Kristoffer Ørum & Kristoffer Thuroe
Political Depression with Mathias Danbolt and Ask Katzeff
Taking leaps and other acts: from observations to propositions with Christine Würmell
The Artist as Historian: Politics of History in Contemporary Art with Mathias Danbolt and Jane Jin Kaisen
The Coastline Paradox: Map Verses Territory with Elizabeth McTernan

Animating a Performing Archive at Roskilde Museum of Contemporary Art with Mary Coble and Judith Schwarzbart
Dark Matter: The Politics and Practice of Art in Urban Spaces with Mary Coble
Digital Hauntings: Video, Sound, Collaboration and Affective Technologies with Bonnie Fortune
dOCUMENTA with Tue Greenfort, Jens Haaning and Merete Jankowski
International Photography Triennial with Mary Coble
It is Just a Thought, It is Just a Thought – 4 Days in the Nervous System with Lea Porsager
Self-Publishing with David Blamey and Stine Hebert
Solid, Liquid, Gas (Ice experienced) with Tue Greenfort
Uncreative Writing with Kristoffer Ørum and Lene Asp

Art and its Languages with Tove Storck and Stine Hebert
Landscape I with Tue Greenfort
Landscape II with Tue Greenfort and Lise Skou
Non-Traditional Photography with Mary Coble
Performance in Practice Part 2 with Mary Coble
(((Radio FAA))) with Jakob Jakobsen
Re-Reading Odense with Kristoffer Ørum
Salon salon with Gudrun Hasle
Security First with Oreet Ashery, Mark Harvey and Johanne Blomqvist
The City with Shuruq Harb
The Hole in the Ground with Jens Haaning
Towards Conceptual Improvisation with Mattin Orra

Alternative Histories in Odense with Jakob Jakobsen
Nomad as Art with The Friendly Falcons
On Artist Writings with Aleksander Komarov
Performance in Practice Part 1 with Mary Coble
Sculpture with Maiken Bent
Space Struggles – Collective Actions, Imagination and The New Role of Artists in the Urban Field with Christoph Schäfer
Retten i Odense with Jakob Jakobsen

Art in Context with Kristine Kern and Sanne Kofod Olsen
Color Lithography with Odense Graphic Workshop
Do It with Kristine Kern and Sanne Kofod Olsen
Image Politics with Jakob Jakobsen
Painting with Mette Winckelmann
Plaque Process with Chris Jones
Mapping the real – Insight into Modern European Suburbs and Their Inhabitants with Lasse Lau and Lise Skou
Mimeses with Gene Ray
Music – Sound – Visual Art with Michael Mørholt
Printed Matter – A Productive Workshop with Mette Winckelmann
Robot-workshop with Esbjerg Music Conservatory
Self-Publishing with Kristian Ask
Sousveillance with Jakob Jakobsen
Three Days For a Small Production in a Medium Free Choice in the Range of: Video, Photography, Sound or Text-Based Work with Wendelin van Oldenborgh
Video Art: An Introduction with Maryam Jafri

ADAMS with Martin Damgaard and Adam Bergholm
Adobe CS with Anja Bjerremand
Archive/Database/Bank About Collecting and Sorting the Content of Media and Materials with Mette Winckelmann
Assertation on Reality with Sonja Lillebæk Christensen
Basic Black/White Lithography with Odense Graphic Workshop
How can I say we are here? Performance and Cinema with Ian White
How to Write Artists Text with Kristine Kern
Painting with Morten Buch
Practice in Contemporary Art with Sanne Kofod
Space and Organization of Artist Studios with Jescho Fether
6808 International with Jakob Jakobsen
Workshop with Sheriff El-Azmar

Art Pedagogy beyond Bologna with Jakob Jakobsen and Stephan Dillimuth
Commercialized Disobedience with Jan Danebod
Historical Painting with Anette Abrahamsson
How to Write an Artist Statement, Press Release and Application with Kristine Kern and Sanne Kofod Olsen
Mass Culture, Subcultural Identity and Alterity with Michael Baers
Maschin Raum – a biennale for video art an digital culture with Jakob Jakobsen
Performance/Performativity with Sanne Kofod Olsen
Revolt and the Urban Space – Barricades and Street Fighting From the Paris Commune to Today with Jakob Jakobsen and Mikkel Bolt
The Academy as a Dramatised Field
with Stephan Dillimuth
Zapatista Media with Fran Illich
Workshop with Irene Hohenbüchler

Conceptual Art with Michael Baers
Contemporary Drawing with Image of the Middel East
Etching, Printing, Monotype with Odense Graphic Workshop
Final Cut Pro with Rico Feldfoss
“Klartext” Writing Workshop on Genres and Constructive Criticism with Kim Johannesen
Lecture on Color with Lena Hilbertsdottir, Henrik Boëtius and Lars Bukdahl
Painting with Anette Abrahamsson
Painting with Sarah Staton
Painting with Tal R
Performance as Contemporary Art Practice with Asmina Ranjitt Performing in Everyday Life: On Body and Performativity, On Signs and Differences with Bent Nørgaard and Susanne Ravn
Tv Tv with Anja Franke and Susan Hinnum
Workshop with Brett Bloom
Workshop with David Malkolvic

Casting with Peter Scherfig
Operative Drawings with Michael Baers
Picture Analysis with Lars Bent Petersen
Site Specificity with Morten Gold
Sparwasser HQ with Lars Bent Petersen
Video Portrait with Marit Lindberg
Video Editing with Jeanette Schou
Workshop with Lou Sherinet