Funen Art Academy’s Anne Marie Carl-Nielsen Programme for Art in Public Space is proud to present Walkers – an exhibition featuring public artworks by the programme’s inaugural participants:
Sofie Brag, Davide Hjort Di Fabio, Martha Hviid, Karl Eivind Jørgensen, Thea Amalie Käszner and Dagmar Moldovanu.
All projects are specifically made for and installed at different public spaces in the city of Odense. The works meet the city’s inhabitants amidst their daily comings and goings around the city – affixed to tree trunks along Odense River, overlooking Odense Open-Air Swimming Pool, installed on the window of Ansgar Church, outstretched beneath the Albani Bridge, attached to a bike shed by Stenfisker Quay and wedged into the lawn in front of Ballet School Odense.
Read more about the works and see their exact location at www.walkers.place.
Opening at Funen Art Academy, Thursday, 8th of June, 2023 from 1:30 pm onwards
Presentation of works, 1:30-4:30 pm
Departure from Funen Art Academy by bus to the various sites, 1:30 pm
Reception with drinks at the Academy, 4:30-6:00 pm
Exhibition period: 8th of June – 28th of July, 2023
The Anne Marie Carl-Nielsen Programme for Art in Public Space is a new, one-year advanced-module and continuing education programme at Funen Art Academy. The programme focuses on the positioning of art in public spaces, and its potential to challenge and engage with the practical, social and ethical conditions of specific contexts. Learn more about the programme here
The programme has been established with support from the Carl Nielsen and Anne Marie Carl-Nielsen’s Foundation.
Press photo: Archeological excavation, Vestergade, Odense C, 2016. Photo: Museum Odense