

Talks by: CALLY SPOONER 19.00 hrs., 24th of October + SONJA LABIANCA 10.00 hrs., 25th of October
The Auditorium, The Funen Art Academy / Det Fynske Kunstakademi
On the 4th Floor, Brandts Torv 1, Odense, Denmark
Free entrance

The first roundtable seminars on Micro-political Anthropology, examines the sensory and intellectual system of the body as the space of institutional critique. Firstly, by considering the notion of ‘conflicted being’ deposited by the demand for sociability and eloquence in the experience economy. (Guest: Cally Spooner) Secondly by critically considering neurological research and the medical discourse around the disorders and pathologies that develop in response to this demand. (Guest: Sonja Labianca).

Cally Spooner (UK) is an artist based in London. Using theory and philosophers as alibis to help her write, and casts of arguing characters to help her perform, she produces plotless novellas, disjunctive theatre plays, looping monologues and musical arrangements to stage the movement and behaviour of speech. Recent solo exhibitions and performances include Performa 13, The Fifth Visual Art Performance Bieenial, NYC (2013); Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam (2013), Seven Thirty Till Nine, Shanaynay, Paris, France (2012); Cally Spooner: Footnote 5, (with Dulcie Lewis and Peter Joslyn), ICA, London, UK (2012); It’s 1957, and the Press Release Still Isn’t Written, Hermes und der Pfau, WCW Gallery, Hamburg, Germany (2011).

Sonja Labianca (DK) is a musician & composer and Medical Student at KU (Graduating in October 2013) with clinical experience from the Psychiatric Emergency Room of Bispebjerg Hospital. In the field of music she is currently active in ’Selvhenter’ & ‘Valby Vokal Gruppe’ which receives National and International recognition and attention. In the medical field her primary interest lies is Neuroscience and Research of the Brain. The title of her recent research is ‘The Genetic Architecture of Large Families with high Prevalence of Neuropsychiatric Developmental Disorders’. After graduation, Sonja will continue her research with a PhD study, and her clinical training in neurology at Glostrup Hospital.


Can institutional critique in Art constitute a micro-political anthropology? Micro-political anthropology is a speculative term for considering one’s relationship to oneself and the relationship between individual and society. The seminars set out to explore these relationships. Firstly, by examining the sensory and intellectual system of the body as the space of institutional critique. Secondly, by critically questioning the institutional structures in society constitutive of citizenship and the gender, race, and class divide.

The series of 4 practice led roundtable seminars will bring together practitioners and thinkers from the fields of art, activism, media, law, political theory and philosophy whose work will provide a flexible foundation for dealing with these ideas. Informed by the cross disciplinary presentations and discussions within the group, the aim of the seminars is to develop an institutional critique that is situationally specific rather than site specific and to consider organisational forms as part of the art making process.

The seminars on Micro-political Anthropology is organised by the artist and researcher Sidsel Meineche Hansen. For information about future seminar series: