Playing with hurricanes

Vernissage thursday the 15th of November 17.00-21.00. Everybody is welcome!
What happens, if you recreate an imaginary room from the dream world? And can dreams be violent when they’re recreated?
Camilla Hedetoft’s first solo exhibition “Playing with hurricanes” is about dreams.
But what is the dream room, and where is it? For Camilla Hedetoft it is first and foremost a place that isn’t -a phantasy product or a imaginary room. It can be seen as an important source of information for the future, the spiritual world or the dreamingly subconscious. But it can also be a by-product of the daily brain activity.
A dream can also be “the dream about something”. In this instance the dream may be seen as something that isn’t as it could be in life.

Imaginary rooms
In this exhibition Camilla Hedetoft works with imaginary rooms. The dream room. She recreates objects from this room and mixes it together into something new. A weird feeling of dream and reality melts together, and she questions which room is most real or important. The physical room we experience while awake or the imaginary one?
Camilla Hedetoft creates a projection from her own subconsciousness to her conscious and further along to the physical room – the exhibition space.

Concrete material
In Camilla Hedetoft’s universe the dreams consist of concrete or specific materials. They become hurricanes that whirl around in the exhibition space. They can be dangerous depending on their strength and the can contain an enormous power and the ability to transform. To play with ones own dreams in the exhibition may be seen as an experiment.

About the artist:
Camilla Hedetoft is a 3. year student at the Funen Art Academy and she works with sculpture and objects. All the art pieces at the exhibition is dreamed.

The exhibition take place:
FAA Project Room, Det Fynske Kunstakademi Brandts Torv 1, 4 sal (entrance through Brandts) 5000 Odense C

Opening hours:
16th-18th November 10.00-17.00
