2nd Year Exhibition 2012

Opening Thursday February 2nd 5 pm. Live performance at 6 pm.

In Sèvres, France, The International Bureau of Weights & Measures resides. Here 6 atomic clocks set the standard for the accurate time of day in the whole world – they call it The Coordinated Universal Time.

A day consists of 24 hours and an hour of 60 minutes.
In 1 minute 267 babies are born into the world. In 1 minute 108 people leave this world.
Lightning strikes earth 360 times and about 5 earthquakes happen every minute. In 1 minute 168 million e-mails are sent and 6000 videos are uploaded to Youtube. The world never sleeps and in 1 minute everything changes, although everything might sometimes feel the same.
You can look at the facts of time but as we all know time will also present itself in relative forms.

What can you manage to do in 1 minute? Maybe you can make your morning smoothie, or maybe rather melt cheese in the microwave? You can play a really fast punk song or make a money transfer.

How do you experience 1 minute when you ”just need 1 more minute in bed”? Remember a 1-minute kiss you have had while in love? Maybe time stood still  – though it never really does.

So what would you do with 1 minute?

The 2nd year students at The Funen Art Academy gave it some thought, made up their minds and now cordially invite you to experience the results in FAA project room, on the 4th floor at Brandts, Odense.

You can expect art in the form of video, photography, installation, and painting amongst other medias.

For more info go to www.1minute.dk

Participating artists:
Alaya Riefenstahl, Gustav Bisgaard, Jacob Morell, Katrine Skovsgaard, Martha Hviid, Sarah Ridao, Katti Pärkson-Kull, Sara Marie Sandfær, Emily M. Gernild, Emil Linnet, Iben L. Andersen, Solveig Thimm and Jonna Ljósá.

Find the exhibition at:
FAA Project Room, Funen Art Academy
Brandts Torv 1, 4th floor (entrance through Brandts)

Opening hours:
2nd – 16th of February 2012
Tuesday through Sunday 10am-5pm, Thursday 12pm – 9pm.

Opening Thursday February 2nd 5 pm. Live performance at 6 pm.

Everyone is welcome!