Graduation Show 2015 / Material Witness

The result of five years studies manifests in a multi-facetted exhibition. The diverse works range across a fictional letter exchange with Frida Kahlo, a monumental wooden structure with view into eternity, and investigative records of the landscape and the way we interact with everyday objects.

Graduation Show 2015, Material Witness, opens May 21, 5 pm at BRANDTS 13, Jernbanegade, 5000 Odense. All are welcome.
The exhibition is on view until August 2, 2015

This year’s graduates are: Iben Andersen, Gustav Bisgaard, Jona Borrut, Sif Hedegård, Johanne Helga Heiberg, Jonna Ljosa, Jacob Morell, Sara Plinius, Katti Pärkson-Kull and Sarah Ridao.

Press release