Annual School Show 2014 / All. Gone.

Funen Art Academy presents The Annual School Show, Helt. Væk. (All. Gone.)
May 7 – 8 & 10 – 17 from 12-6 pm
Finissage: May 17 from 6-8 pm

Free entrance and everyone is welcome

At this year’s annual school show the 1st, 2nd and 4th year students have decided to explore the idea of a group exhibition. Works exhibited one day will be gone the next. This stems from self curating all works by forming groups based on inspiration, interests and media. Dance and translation, painting, games and more. Documentation will be uploaded every day throughout the exhibition period on the website, as a reminiscence of the entire exhibition which takes place in an empty store at Dronningensgade 12 in Odense. Everyone is welcome to drop by, see the show and have a chat with the FAA students.

Find the exhibition here:
Dronningensgade 12
5000 Odense C

Opening hours:
May 7 – 8 & 10 – 17 from 12-6 pm
Finissage: May 17 from 6-8 pm

For further information please contact: 
FAA student: Dyveke Elisa Rask Bredsdorff
