Obstacles ’n’ stabels

2. year students from Funen Art Academy exhibit in Slagterhallerne – the former Butcher’s house in Odense.
Opening February 21st, 2013 – from 5.00-9.00 pm. Everyone is welcome!

An obstacle one can cooperate with, to cooperate can be an obstacle. One can literally knock over one another, even though the intentions and ideas seemed harmless to begin with.

2. year students from Funen Art Academy have decided that “obstacles” as an issue should be the main thread in their exhibition. These obstacles come to live through performance, sculpture, video, sound, open mic among other things.

February 21st, 2013 5.00-9.00 pm.

The exhibition takes place at:
Rugårdsvej 60
5000 Odense C

Opening hours:
February 22nd – 24th, 12.00-4.00 pm.
February 28th – March 1st, 12.00-4.00 pm.
End of exhibition party: March 2nd, 12.00-9.00 pm.

For more information please contact:
2nd year student Nilas Dumstrei
E-mail: Nilasdumstrei52@gmail.com
Phone: + 45 30 49 71 69
