It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to DFK III, Funen Art Academy’s third year exhibition. The exhibition has been made in collaboration with three students of art history from Copenhagen University and Aarhus University.

In the exhibition the artists have focused on their individual praxis and work and to some extent made the three art historians take over the curatorial and communicative aspects of the exhibit. DFK III is hence an exhibition where the 15 art students both controls and tries to lose control.

This double task of both defining and letting oneself be defined by others – the difference between speaking for yourself and having others speak for you is the underlying theme in the exhibition. Something which principle Merete Jankowski also will focus on in her speech at the opening of the exhibition the 17th of May.

The exhibition will reflect the praxis of the 15 art students as of this given moment. It marks a stop on the way between the familiar surroundings at Funen Art Academy and the more established art institution at Kunsthallen Brandts. Both of which, the students have previously challenged in the exhibition “Odense Kunsthal” 2010 and the exhibition “The Occult” in 2011, which took place in a townhouse in the outskirts of Odense.

With the school show DFK III the art students now subordinate themselves to the frames of the institution and moves focus from the concept of the exhibition to the individual’s own work and praxis.

The participating artists are:
Aniara Omann, Anna Samsøe, Camilla Hedetoft, Diana Prim, Christian Bang, Johannes Sivertsen, Laurits Dall, Maj Horn, Niklas Bruhn, Sara Plinius, Sif Hedegaard, Stine Gro, Nick Bojesen, Luise Sejersen, Johanne Rude Lindegaard. The exhibition has been curated in collaboration with: Eirin Bergum, Stine Lykkebo og Signe Havsteen.

Find the exhibiton here:
Stairway to 4th floor and FAA Project Room, Funen Art Academy
Brandts torv 1 (entrance through Brandts)
5000 Odense C

Opening hours:
The exhibition is open from the 18th – 31rd of May
Tuesday– Sunday 10.00 am – 5.00 pm, Thursday 12.00 pm – 21.00 pm

Thursday the 17th of May 5.00 pm – 8.00 pm in FAA Project Room. Speech by Merete Jankowski, Principle at Funen Art Academy at 17.30 pm. Everyone is welcome!

For more information please contact christianbangjensen@hotmail.com

Click on the orange download icon for press photo and poster.

