Press release – WORLD IN MY EYES – Funen Art Academy Graduation Show 2011

On WORLD IN MY EYES – Funen Art Academy Graduation Show 2011 – 14 artists participate who in various ways relate to the world from both mico- and macroperspectives, through mental and physical landscapes, fiction and concrete reality.

Participating artists:
Maria Bojsen, Magnus Fuhr, Meri Sidsel Gustafsson, Henriette Hellstern-Kjøller, Janni Mai Larsen, Naja Maria Lundstrøm, Daniel Mikilati, Rikke Ehlers Nilsson, Helene Ringkjær, Lucy Siame, Merete Vyff Slyngborg, Ditte Boen Soria, Tue Sprogø og Dan Stockholm.

WORLD IN MY EYES is curated by Anna Johansson and Jessica Segerlund.

The artists observe or are being observed. They put their eye at the center of the world and investigate to see, discover or ponder what nobody has discovered yet. And at the same time the limitless value of every single lived moment is revealed. The title of the show thus refers to both distant and close worlds – seen through 14 different gazes, works and artistic profiles, which the visitor is invited to become part of at the show.

Narrative is central to several of the artists. Not necessarily narrative in the sense of a story running from A to B, but more in the sense of tales taking detours and illuminating fragments of our collective as well as individual history.
The question of the role of the spectator is also touched upon in the show. With which gaze do we see our surroundings – how does what we see depend on where we are from, our ethnicity, sexual orientation, and social status?
Many of the artists also address questions relating to the being and function of art in itself – how is art to be classified and function in our societies?

The 14 exhibiting artists work in a wide variety of artistic media such as water colours, photography, sound, drawing, text, and video.

Artist talks
The art academy and Kunsthallen Brandts arrange two artist talks with graduate students. They take place at Kunsthallen Brandts on June 9 and June 23 from 5-6pm.

Thursday May 19, 5pm

More information
Funen Art Academy, coordinator Sara Gjøde
Kunsthallen Brandts, presseansvarlig Trine Søndergaard: 65207092